Category: Staying Healthy

Breast Cancer can be easily cured

Breast cancer is a dangerous disease which develops from breast cells. It starts off in the inner lining of milk ducts that supply them with milk. It is mainly seen in females. The distinct lifestyle and eating habits in females in rich and poor countries are also factors for such diseases. It is more read more

Combating cancer with right food

It is a widely known fact that setting your food habits right is a huge step in dealing with a cancer diagnosis. Combating cancer with right food is a step of the treatment that is solely dependent on the patient for its execution. Along with the food products, if one knows the benefits of the same, the motivation read more

Food for curing cancer

Cancer is one of the most eminently fatal diseases today. This was not the case around fifty years back and this has happened because of the change in the food habits of people today. Its emergence is most visible in the western developed nations than the others. One of the major changes that a cancer patient read more

Fighting Cancer Naturally

Cancer is one of the most severe diseases known to mankind that afflicts millions of around the globe. Medical research continues to gain ground in its combat against this disease that plagues humanity and multiple effective treatments are widely available today. But, a fact that is conveniently forgotten is read more

Things to avoid while suffering from cancer

Early detection of a cancer is the key to curing it. Hence, frequent checkups and routine visits to the doctor assume a very important role. Also important is to take all the possible preventive measures so you can be safe than sorry! Modern lifestyle is the most influential factor behind the prevalence of read more