Category: News

Make a Legacy Project

A challenging diagnosis often leads people to think about their legacy, what and who they will eventually leave behind.

Matthew Petroski’s Story: A Father’s Story of Surviving Cancer

Matthew Petroski, a maxillary sinus cancer survivor, reflects on his cancer journey, his excellent care team at PAH, his long road to recovery, and fatherhood.

How to Maintain Wellness while Social Distancing

The uncertainty and anxiety many of us feel right now is normal, but that doesn’t make things easier. Here a few ways to support your well-being during social distancing.

Cancer and COVID-19: What You Should Know and How We’re Protecting Patients

Learn about the measures we're taking to ensure your safety and other information about cancer and the coronavirus.

Nutritional Foods to Stock in Your Pantry During COVID-19

As a cancer patient, it is important to stay adequately nourished to avoid malnutrition. Here are some essential foods to stock in your pantry with while you're practicing social distancing.