Category: Staying Healthy

Ways to prevent breast cancer

ways to prevent breast cancer

‘Breast cancer’ just these two words can get a women to worry. We all know someone who is affected by this diseases, don’t we? But there is a lot of good news about breast cancer these days. Treatments keep getting better, and we know more than ever about ways to prevent the disease. read more

How to stay healthy after cancer treatment?


Cancer is hard and tough, but getting healthy after the cancer treatment is more tougher and harder. The cancer treatment is not only frighting but also literally drains out all the energy. Cancer survivors fight extremely hard with the disease, but they find it a little not so easy in gaining back their read more

Does caffeine fight cancer?

Epidemiological studies have shown that caffeinated drinks may help prevent skin cancer by inhibiting a DNA repair pathway, thus killing potentially precancerous cells. In English, it means that drinking drinks containing caffeine will reduce one’s chances of developing some types of cancer, including read more

Lifestyle change that can help prevent cancer

The basic ways to prevent cancer is to eat healthy and to exercise regularly. But many a times we do not have enough time for exercise. In such cases what to do? How do one lower the risk and take prevent cancer? Here are easy and simple lifestyle modification that one can adopt to help prevent cancer.

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Can food cause cancer? Here is the list of cancer causing foods

We are know the causes of cancer. It could be hereditary or may be caused due to some environmental factor. Many people try their best to stay away from this dreadful disease. They take numerous steps to prevent themselves. However, there is evidence that limiting the consumption of some foods could read more